Dr. Neckrysh’s participation in cases is unbiased, with a strong belief that the role of the physician is to be a third-party educator for the medico-legal system without “taking sides”. This ensures the best outcome of the case, and maintains the reputation of the attorney who is retaining him as an expert. By maintaining an honest and objective stance in each case, Dr. Neckrysh can be relied upon for a reputable perspective.
He will provide you with expert testimony, which can assist your firm in its decision of whether or not you bring a case to trial.
Integrity beyond reproach
Approachable and Reliable
Punctual and meticulous review of medical records,
Meeting expressed timelines with quick and efficient turnaround, while maintaining the quality of service
Consistent, detailed, and transparent billing
A non-biased expert opinion
Academic background and Board Certification in Neurological Surgery, providing additional merit as an expert witness
Medico-legal assessment and education, helping attorneys to structure the best legal strategy and formulating the right questions during the depositions and trials
Medical records, Bills and Other Paperwork Requests, Medical records requests, billing inquiries, and other paperwork requiring physician’s signature, please:
email your request to medicalrecords@neckrysh.com
fax your request to 312.610.5709
mail to the Main Office
Medical records requests and subpoenas require a $50 medical records processing fee unless mandated otherwise by applicable statue.
Please include the payment when mailing the subpoena to expedite the processing of the requests.
We will not respond to voicemails. Please include your email address for a timely response to your request.
Please direct all the requests for the patients treated at the University of Illinois Department of Neurosurgery and UIC Medical Center to the appropriate departments of the University of Illinois - Chicago.